
The best of Insider Trends October 2015

The retail landscape is changing so quickly it can be hard to keep up. That’s where Insider Trends comes in handy. Not only do we provide trends tours of the most exciting retail environments and ‘fat free’ presentations on the latest retail trends, we’ve also put together this handy round-up post of our latest blog posts! We proudly present the best of Insider Trends October 2015.


In our latest interview with industry innovators, we spoke to David Dalziel of London-based agency Dalziel & Pow about their work for the likes of John Lewis and Primark, the importance of delivering a UXP (Unique Experience Proposition) in terms of store environment, and how many current instore digital installations are irrelevant and wasteful. In the future, he argued, “digital will be less visible, less of an add on, and more of an integrated story.”

tech trends, retail tech, google's physical web, future of retail, Trends October 2015

That’s certainly interesting when it comes to the possibilities of the Internet of Things. Google’s Physical Web proposes a new way for users to navigate the IoT, one that is based on URLS, not apps. We explain everything you need to know about it here.

Also a potential feature of retail stores of the future is augmented reality and virtual reality, especially with Oculus Rift set to hit the consumer market next year. We look at some of the companies exploring it here

And as instore analytics become ever more sophisticated, we take a closer look at an interesting patent from eBay, looking at wear time of a garment in a fitting room as a measure of intent to buy.


Amazon prime air, amazon delivery, future of delivery, retail innovation, retail trends,

We’ve also been focusing a lot on the exciting innovations happening in retail at the moment. These eight companies are shaping the future of delivery. We have in-depth interviews with Nimber and Shutl too.


Tom Dixon's Multiplex, trend tours, retail trends, pop-ups, retail innovation, London retail trends,

We toured of London’s latest retail openings here, from the Loaf shack to a brand new Dr Martens flagship store. We also had a closer look at Hem’s cool pop-up, and explored whether Tom Dixon’s Multiplex really is the department store of the future.


topshop, omnichannel, retail marketing, retail innovation, future of retail,

Finally, to get your reading up to date, we also explored some of the companies excelling at omnichannel, and those trying to win at that potentially lucrative holy grail of social shopping.


Why not take one of our trends tours to experience the most innovative London retail for yourself? Or find out more about the workshops and meetings run by Insider Trends, and how they can help your business.