
The NRF 2022 secret weapon that you need? Connection.

There’s one big reason you’re going to NRF 2022, isn’t there?

It’s not to discover new expert insights (although that is a fantastic bonus).

It’s not to experience the newest retail tech. You’re going to NRF 2022 to make connections with your customers – existing and potential.

So are all of your competitors.

NRF retail strategy - NRF retail store tour - Insider Trends | Retail Consultancy

How do you capture your prospects’ attention when so many others are trying to do the same?

What if there was an unusual, experiential form of thought leadership that could connect your customers and prospects with your company and colleagues?

Well, there is.

A sponsored retail safari is the perfect way to bring your customers and your company together through insight and entertainment.

Here’s why.

This strategic tour of multiple stores is a retail strategy session in the field, planned and led by one of our retail experts, and tailored to your specific needs and interests.

It’s a far more valuable, memorable way to connect with prospects than your standard meeting, drinks party or company stand.


NRF retail strategy - NRF 2022 - Insider Trends | Retail Consultancy


Because it gives your customers and prospects something of value. It gives them new information, ideas, perspectives and insights in a fun, experiential way.

And you’ll be out there with them in the field, getting that same value, but – more importantly – connecting with them through it. It’s a shared experience that brings your company closer to your prospects.

Many clients still tell us about the impact of certain store visits, years after their safari.

NRF retail safari - NRF 2022 - Insider Trends | Retail Consultancy

A sponsored retail safari lets you:

  • Engage current and potential clients in a new way – give them information, experience and entertainment, and a reason to book your event into their busy schedule.
  •  Focus on bonding with your prospects and enjoying a team-building day out, while we do all the prep and delivery work.
  •  Give prospects new perspectives and frameworks to apply in their daily work.
  •  Provide a memorable experience and key insights that prospects will associate with your brand for a long time to come.
  •  Show retail clients where the industry is going and what’s new. Often attendees realise they are falling behind and, therefore, are more in need of your services.
  • Add follow-on workshops and discussions to significantly enhance the session’s connection-building focus – you will learn what is on prospects’ minds, what they are working on, where they want to take their business and what their concerns and challenges are.
  • Get a better return on your marketing/engagement budget.
NRF 2022 - NRF retail strategy - Insider Trends | Retail Consultancy

It’s not just safaris either.

Our experts can also deliver their expert observations and commentary as a retail trends presentation to your customers and prospects. It goes without saying that the presentation will be tailored to your clients’ needs and challenges which gives you the opportunity to discuss how you can help them.

You don’t have to take our word for it.

We’re happy to prove the value of these sessions to you.

NRF retail safari - NRF retail store tour - Insider Trends | Retail Consultancy

Just fill in a couple of details below and we’ll send you more information on our sponsored retail safaris and what they can do for your business, as well as who we’ve run these safaris for in the past (you might be surprised at who they are).

But you need to move quickly because January isn’t far away, and our experts are already getting booked up.

Hopefully not by the competition.

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