Workshops for Retailers and Brands

Expert-led workshops combining retail trends insights and storytelling techniques to transform your business.

Project Working


Turn inspiration into action

Successful retailers and brands don’t just understand what’s happening at the forefront of retail but also how to tell their customers the story of their business and what they’re doing.

Our expert-led workshops for retailers combine these two vital skill sets through:

    • A retail trends presentation with Jack Stratten, leading retail trends expert and Head of Trends at Insider Trends, to give you a clear and up-to-date perspective on global retail trends and what they might mean for you and your business, supplemented with consumer and industry stats and insights.
    • A storytelling masterclass with Carl Prechezer, CEO of Unit Creative and an Insider Trends consultant with over 25 years of hands-on experience in the media industry working with brands like Marks and Spencer, Fiat and Unilever, to help you understand how to use proven storytelling techniques and the power of emotion to attract and connect with customers.


Our workshop sessions are as enjoyable as they are useful, helping expand your thinking and turn stimulus into ideas that will work for your business.


Workshops Designed for You

    • Bespoke workshop content created based around your requirements
    • Delivered in-person or virtually
    • Choose from a one or half day workshop
    • Combine with a retail safari or presentation for maximum value

Workshop Topics


Dig deep into all the latest retail trends and discover how to apply real-world inspiration to your retail business or brand in our retail workshop.

We’ll showcase the newest and most relevant trends for your group looking at:

    • The biggest global trends in brand experience and visibility
    • Trends beyond your group’s own industry and sector
    • The stories behind inspiring new store concepts and how these stories connect with the brand’s overall messaging


This global scan of innovation, storytelling  and best practice is an inspirational trend-spotting session, showcasing the newest and most relevant trends for you. It’s ideal for established retailers, emerging brands, and brand agencies.



Discover the latest consumer sustainability trends and how to tell your brand’s authentic sustainability story in our sustainability workshop.

We’ll help you:

    • Get up to speed with the latest sustainable trends 
    • Learn from the successes or failures of other sustainability stories
    • Identify your own brand sustainability story and how to tell it


Sustainability can be a difficult subject to navigate with many brands learning the hard way the danger of not being transparent with consumers. This bespoke session will help you understand how to look at your brand from a sustainable perspective and tell your story in an authentic and honest way.



Push beyond the hype to understand the meaningful trends in artificial intelligence and how to retain your brand’s emotional power in our AI workshop.

In this session, we’ll help you:

    • Investigate how the retail industry is using AI and the applications that make sense
    • Learn how to tell stories around AI 
    • Avoid the pitfalls of AI before they damage your customer relationship


This deep-dive session will give your business the insights into AI use cases and best practice it needs to make informed decisions about when to use it and when to focus on emotional engagement.

Get in touch

To find out more about our workshops:

    • Email contact [at] insider-trends [dot] com
    • Phone +44 (0)20 7183 3785
    • Or fill in the contact form below


We look forward to hearing from you!

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